
A collaboration with Tristan Houghton, film making/director for the Seven with Another sixth edition. With the theme being six, we used our supernatural powers and tapped into our sixth senses to create this work. My part involved constructing this beyond neon shark with laser beam eyes. Tristan's contribution was a film that was shown inside the sharks mouth.

What started as a dream and escalated into a nightmare, eventually awoke to an idea for this collaborative project. A psychedelic shark attack. Using the idea that as human beings our sixth sense and intuition can be found in dreams, nightmares, premonitions and visions, this project took the vision from a dream and traversed it into the scientific realm. As it happens, sharks also share a sixth sense that enables them to sense electromagnetic fields in the sea. 

This project draws from both inspirations and unites the two through the use of sculpture and film in this site-specific installation. 


Cabinet of Cities. Invisible Curiosities.


Falling for Fireworks